Shah of Shahs
"Revolution must be distinguished from revolt, coup d'état, palace takeover. A coup or a palace takeover may be planned, but a revolution- never. Its outbreak, the hour of that outbreak, takes everyone, even those who have been striving for it, unawares. They stand amazed at the spontaneity that appears suddenly and destroys everything in its path. It demolishes so ruthlessly that in the end it may annihilate the ideals that called it into being."
Num livro curto, Shah of Shahs, Ryszard Kapuscinsky descreve de forma brilhante as circunstâncias e o clima que levaram à queda do Xá, e dá em 152 páginas as pistas mais interessantes para se entender a actual situação no Irão.
Leste este livro?
Posted by
sabine |
10:27 da manhã
Claro, Sabine, para ler as capas já nos basta o professor Marcelo;)
Posted by
rui |
8:22 da tarde