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quarta-feira, junho 10, 2009 

Onde é que eu já vi isto?

Parece que nem no choradinho compulsivo sobre as desgraças que continuamente se abatem sobre o Portugal pós-democrático somos originais.
Eis o que a revista Der Spiegel escrevia há dias sobre o que os protagonistas dos acontecimentos de 1989 na Hungria que viriam a desencadear a Queda do Muro pensam da situação actual do seu País:
"Hungary's heroes of the crucial summer of 1989 reaped few rewards at home. Prime Minister Németh was denied promotion to the office of the president of the republic and spent the next nine years in London, where he served as vice president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He has no illusions when he contemplates the new Hungary today.
What he sees is a country that, once again, is practically bankrupt
(o Dr Medina Carreira tem um correspondente a Leste). He sees a deeply divided political landscape in which the once-united members of the opposition are practically at each other's throats. And he sees a prosperous clique in power, a group of which one of the 1989 picnic organizers says: "The people in power today are precisely those former leaders of the Communist youth organization who would have ended up in the same jobs even without the fall of Communism.""